A GPU-based Immersed Boundary Method code
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 io.cuImplementation of the functions of the namespace io
 io.hDeclaration of the functions of the namespace io
 parseBodiesFile.cuParses the file bodies.yaml to get information about immersed bodies
 parseDomainFile.cuParse the input file domain.yaml to obtain information about the computational grid
 parseFlowFile.cuParse the input file flow.yaml to get boundary and initial conditions of the flow
 parseSimulationFile.cuParses the file simParams.yaml and stores the numerical parameters used in the simulation
 tagPoints.inlImplementation of the methods of the class DirectForcingSolver to tag points near the immersed boundary using a ray-tracing algorithm
 updateRHS1.inlImplementation of the methods of the class DirectForcingSolver to update the right hand-side of the system for the intermediate velocity flux vector
 calculateForce.cuImplementation of the kernels to calculate the forces acting on a body using a control-volume approach. The method is described in Lai & Peskin (2000)
 calculateForce.hDeclaration of the kernels to calculate the forces acting on a body The method is described in Lai & Peskin (2000)
 generateA.cuImplementation of the kernels required to generate the matrix resulting from the implicit terms in the momentum equation
 generateA.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate the matrix resulting from the implicit terms in the momentum equation
 generateBC1.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate right hand-side terms of the intermediate velocity flux solver
 generateBC1.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate right hand-side terms of the intermediate velocity flux solver
 generateBC2.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate elements of the right hand-side of the Poisson solver
 generateBC2.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate elements of the right hand-side of the Poisson solver
 generateE.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate elements of the interpolation matrix
 generateE.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate the interpolation matrix
 generateM.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate the mass matrix and its inverse
 generateM.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate the mass matrix and its inverse
 generateQT.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate the gradient matrix and interpolation matrix
 generateQT.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate gradient matrix and interpolation matrix
 generateRN.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate the explicit terms of the momentum equation
 generateRN.hDeclaration of the kernels to generate the explicit terms of the momentum equation
 generateVelB.cuImplementation of the kernels to generate body-velocities
 generateVelB.hDeclaration of the kernels required to generate body-velocities
 updateRHS1.cuImplementation of the kernels to update the right hand-side of the intermediate velocity flux solver. It replaces the right-hand side elements at the tagged points, with values obtained from the interpolation relations at those points
 updateRHS1.hDeclaration of the kernels to update the right hand-side of the intermediate velocity flux solver
 generateBC1.inlImplementation of the methods to generate inhomogeneous boundary conditions from the discrete Laplacian operator
 generateM.inlImplementation of the methods to generate the mass matrix and its inverse
 generateRN.inlImplementation of the methods to generate the explicit terms of the momentum equation
 calculateForce.inlImplementation of the methods of the class TairaColoniusSolver to calculate forces acting on each immersed body
 createSolver.cuImplementation of the function that creates the Navier-Stokes solver
 createSolver.hDeclaration of the function that creates the Navier-Stokes solver
 DFImprovedSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class DFImprovedSolver
 DFImprovedSolver.hDefinition of the class DFImprovedSolver
 DFModifiedSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class DFModifiedSolver
 DFModifiedSolver.hDefinition of the class DFModifiedSolver
 DiffusionSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class DiffusionSolver
 DiffusionSolver.hDeclaration of the class DiffusionSolver
 DirectForcingSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class DirectForcingSolver
 DirectForcingSolver.hDeclaration of the class DirectForcingSolver
 FadlunEtAlSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the classes FadlunEtAlSolver and FEAModifiedSolver
 FadlunEtAlSolver.hDeclaration of the classes FadlunEtAlSolver and FEAModifiedSolver
 NavierStokesSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class NavierStokesSolver
 NavierStokesSolver.hDeclaration of the class NavierStokesSolver
 NSWithBody.cuImplementation of the methods of the class NSWithBody
 NSWithBody.hDeclaration of the class NSWithBody
 TairaColoniusSolver.cuImplementation of the methods of the class TairaColoniusSolver
 TairaColoniusSolver.hDeclaration of the class TairaColoniusSolver
 bodies.cuImplementation of the methods of the class bodies
 bodies.hDeclaration of the class bodies
 body.hDefinition of the class body
 boundaryCondition.hDefinition of the class boundaryCondition
 domain.hDefinition of the class domain
 helpers.cuImplementation of the discrete delta function
 helpers.hDeclaration of the discrete delta function
 integrationScheme.hDefinition of the class integrationScheme
 logger.hDefinition of the class Logger
 parameterDB.cuImplementation of the methods of the class property
 parameterDB.hDeclaration of the class property
 preconditioner.hDefinition of the class preconditioner
 types.hDefinition of custom types required by the code
 cuIBM.cuMain source file of cuIBM