vecH x
x-coordinates of the nodes
vecH dx
cell-widths in the x-direction
vecH yv
y-coordinates where the y-components of velocity are evaluated
vecH dy
cell-widths in the y-direction
vecD xD
x-coordinates of the nodes stored on the device
vecD yD
y-coordinates of the nodes stored on the device
vecH yu
y-coordinates where the x-components of velocity are evaluated
Stores information about the computational grid.
vecH xu
x-coordinates where the x-components of velocity are evaluated
vecH xv
x-coordinates where the y-components of velocity are evaluated
vecD dxD
x- cell widths stored on the device
int ny
number of cells in the y-direction
int nx
number of cells in the x-direction
vecD dyD
y- cell widths stored on the device
vecH y
y-coordinates of the nodes