18 template <
typename memoryType>
27 cusp::array1d<int, memoryType>
33 cusp::array1d<int, memoryType>
39 cusp::array1d<real, memoryType>
45 cusp::array1d<real, memoryType>
49 cusp::array1d<real, memoryType>
72 void writeToFile(std::string &caseFolder,
int timeStep);
bool bodiesMove
tells whether the body is moving or not
int totalPoints
total number of boundary points (all bodies)
Definition of the class body.
double real
Is a float or a double depending on the machine precision.
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > I
x-index of the cell in which a body point is located
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > y
actual y-coordinate of the boundary points
void calculateBoundingBoxes(parameterDB &db, domain &D)
Calculates indices of the bounding box of each body in the flow.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > x
actual x-coordinate of the boundary points
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > offsets
array index of the first point of each body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > xmin
lowest x-coordinate for the bounding box of a body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > vB
y-velocity of the boundary points
std::map< std::string, componentParameter > parameterDB
Map from a string to a componentParameter.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > uB
x-velocity of the boundary points
Stores information about the computational grid.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > X
reference x-coordinates of the boundary points
Contains information about bodies in the flow.
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > J
y-index of the cell in which a body point is located
Declaration of the class property.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > forceX
force acting on a body in the x-direction
void calculateCellIndices(domain &D)
Stores index of each cell that contains a boundary point.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > ones
vector of size totalPoints with all elements 1
void writeToFile(std::string &caseFolder, int timeStep)
void initialise(parameterDB &db, domain &D)
Sets initial position and velocity of each body.
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > startJ
starting cell index of the bounding box of a body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > Y
reference y-coordinates of the boundary points
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > ymax
highest y-coordinate for the bounding box of a body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > forceY
force acting on a body in the y-direction
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > startI
starting cell index of the bounding box of a body
Definition of the class domain.
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > numPoints
number of points for each body
void update(parameterDB &db, domain &D, real Time)
Updates position, velocity and neighbors of each body.
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > xmax
highest x-coordinate for the bounding box of a body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > ds
vector containing the lengths of all the boundary segments
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > numCellsY
number of cells in the y-direction in the bounding box of a body
cusp::array1d< real, memoryType > ymin
lowest y-coordinate for the bounding box of a body
int numBodies
number of bodies
cusp::array1d< int, memoryType > numCellsX
number of cells in the x-direction in the bounding box of a body