74extern std::map<std::string, Dir>
76extern std::map<Dir, std::string>
88extern std::map<std::string, Field>
90extern std::map<Field, std::string>
102extern std::map<std::string, BCType>
104extern std::map<BCType, std::string>
117extern std::map<std::string, BCLoc>
119extern std::map<BCLoc, std::string>
std::vector< IntVec1D > IntVec2D
2D std::vector holding PetscInt.
std::vector< BoolVec2D > BoolVec3D
3D std::vector holding PetscBool.
std::map< BCLoc, std::string > bl2str
Mapping between BCLoc and std::string.
std::vector< PetscBool > BoolVec1D
1D std::vector holding PetscBool.
Type of boundary conditions.
std::vector< PetscReal * > GhostedVec2D
a vector of pointers to mimic ghosted 1D vectors.
Legal physical directions.
std::map< std::string, ProbeType > str2ProbeType
Mapping between std::string and ProbeType.
std::vector< BoolVec1D > BoolVec2D
2D std::vector holding PetscBool.
Type of probe for monitoring solution.
std::map< MatStencil, GhostPointInfo > GhostPointsList
A map between MatStencil and GhostPointInfo.
std::map< Field, std::string > fd2str
Mapping between Field and std::string.
std::map< std::string, BCLoc > str2bl
Mapping between std::string and BCLoc.
std::vector< std::map< MatStencil, RowModifier > > MatrixModifier
A type that holds necessary info for a matrix modifier that modifies matrix coefficient based on BCs.
std::map< std::string, BCType > str2bt
Mapping between std::string and BCType.
std::vector< RealVec1D > RealVec2D
2D std::vector holding PetscReal.
std::vector< PetscInt > IntVec1D
1D std::vector holding PetscInt.
Location of a boundary.
std::map< Dir, std::string > dir2str
Mapping between Dir and std::string.
std::map< BCType, std::string > bt2str
mapping between BCType and std::string.
std::map< std::string, Dir > str2dir
Mapping between std::string and Dir.
std::vector< PetscReal > RealVec1D
1D std::vector holding PetscReal.
std::map< std::string, Field > str2fd
Mapping between std::string and Field.
std::vector< RealVec2D > RealVec3D
3D std::vector holding PetscReal.
std::vector< IntVec2D > IntVec3D
3D std::vector holding PetscInt.
std::vector< GhostedVec2D > GhostedVec3D
a vector of vector pointers to mimic ghosted 2D vectors. type
A toolbox for building flow solvers.
A data structure for a single ghost point.
PetscInt lclId
the index in a local velocity vector of this ghost point
PetscReal value
the value of this ghost point
PetscReal area
the flux area of this ghost point
PetscReal a0
the coefficient of the velocity at the target point
PetscReal a1
the constant coefficient
A struct holding information about which row in a matrix should be modified based on BCs.
PetscInt row
the global index of a row in a Mat
PetscReal coeff