PetIBM 0.5.4
Toolbox and applications of the immersed-boundary method for distributed-memory architectures
▼Npetibm | A toolbox for building flow solvers |
▼Nbody | A namespace for objects and functions related to immersed-boundary bodies |
CBodyPackBase | Base (abstract) class for a pack of bodies |
CSingleBodyBase | Base (abstract) class for a single body |
CSingleBodyPoints | An implementation of body::SingleBodyBase that uses point data as input |
▼Nboundary | A collection of all boundary-related objects and functions |
CBoundaryBase | Base (abstract) class for the whole boundary |
CBoundarySimple | An implementation of petibm::boundary::BoundaryBase |
CSingleBoundaryBase | Base (abstract) class for ghost points & BC on a single boundary |
CSingleBoundaryConvective | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for convective BC |
CSingleBoundaryDirichlet | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Dirichlet BC |
CSingleBoundaryNeumann | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Neumann BC |
CSingleBoundaryPeriodic | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for periodic BC |
Ndelta | A namespace of all kinds of discretized delta functions |
Nio | A namespace of I/O-related functions |
▼Nlinsolver | Collection of linear solvers from different libraries |
CLinSolverAmgX | Iterative solver using wrapper of AmgX |
CLinSolverBase | The abstract (base) class for different iterative solvers |
CLinSolverKSP | Iterative solver using PETSc KSP |
▼Nmesh | Collection of classes and utilities regarding mesh |
CCartesianMesh | Class of composite staggered Cartesian mesh |
CMeshBase | Base (abstract) class of mesh |
▼Nmisc | A namespace holding miscellaneous functions |
CBiLinInterp | Class to perform a bilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain |
CLinInterpBase | Abstract Base Class of a linear interpolation object |
CLoopBound | A helper struct to make looping function easier |
CProbeBase | Abstract Base Class of a probe |
CProbePoint | Probe class to monitor the solution at a single point |
CProbeVolume | Probe class to monitor a volume region of the domain |
CTriLinInterp | Class to perform a trilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain |
Noperators | Collections of factory functions of operators |
Nparser | A collection of YAML node parsers |
▼Nsolution | Collection of classes and functions regarding solution holders |
CSolutionBase | Base (abstract) class for different solution holders |
CSolutionSimple | Class to hold the velocity vector field and pressure scalar field |
▼Ntimeintegration | |
CAdams_Bashforth_2 | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Adams-Bashforth |
CCrank_Nicolson | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Crank-Nicolson |
CEuler_Explicit | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order explicit Euler |
CEuler_Implicit | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order implicit Euler |
CTimeIntegrationBase | Base (abstract) class that stores information of temporal integration |
▼Ntype | Frequently used types, structures, and enums |
CGhostPointInfo | A data structure for a single ghost point |
CRowModifier | A struct holding information about which row in a matrix should be modified based on BCs |