PetIBM 0.5.4
Toolbox and applications of the immersed-boundary method for distributed-memory architectures
Cpetibm::body::BodyPackBase | Base (abstract) class for a pack of bodies |
▼Cpetibm::boundary::BoundaryBase | Base (abstract) class for the whole boundary |
Cpetibm::boundary::BoundarySimple | An implementation of petibm::boundary::BoundaryBase |
Cpetibm::type::GhostPointInfo | A data structure for a single ghost point |
▼Cpetibm::misc::LinInterpBase | Abstract Base Class of a linear interpolation object |
Cpetibm::misc::BiLinInterp | Class to perform a bilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain |
Cpetibm::misc::TriLinInterp | Class to perform a trilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain |
▼Cpetibm::linsolver::LinSolverBase | The abstract (base) class for different iterative solvers |
Cpetibm::linsolver::LinSolverAmgX | Iterative solver using wrapper of AmgX |
Cpetibm::linsolver::LinSolverKSP | Iterative solver using PETSc KSP |
Cpetibm::misc::LoopBound | A helper struct to make looping function easier |
▼Cpetibm::mesh::MeshBase | Base (abstract) class of mesh |
Cpetibm::mesh::CartesianMesh | Class of composite staggered Cartesian mesh |
▼CNavierStokesSolver | Solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a projection method (Perot 1993) |
▼CDecoupledIBPMSolver | Immersed-boundary method proposed by Li et. al. (2016) |
CRigidKinematicsSolver | Helper class to solve cases with moving rigid bodies using the decoupled IBPM |
CIBPMSolver | Immersed-boundary method proposed by Taira and Colonius (2007) |
▼Cpetibm::misc::ProbeBase | Abstract Base Class of a probe |
Cpetibm::misc::ProbePoint | Probe class to monitor the solution at a single point |
Cpetibm::misc::ProbeVolume | Probe class to monitor a volume region of the domain |
Cpetibm::type::RowModifier | A struct holding information about which row in a matrix should be modified based on BCs |
▼Cpetibm::body::SingleBodyBase | Base (abstract) class for a single body |
Cpetibm::body::SingleBodyPoints | An implementation of body::SingleBodyBase that uses point data as input |
▼Cpetibm::boundary::SingleBoundaryBase | Base (abstract) class for ghost points & BC on a single boundary |
Cpetibm::boundary::SingleBoundaryConvective | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for convective BC |
Cpetibm::boundary::SingleBoundaryDirichlet | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Dirichlet BC |
Cpetibm::boundary::SingleBoundaryNeumann | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Neumann BC |
Cpetibm::boundary::SingleBoundaryPeriodic | An implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for periodic BC |
▼Cpetibm::solution::SolutionBase | Base (abstract) class for different solution holders |
Cpetibm::solution::SolutionSimple | Class to hold the velocity vector field and pressure scalar field |
▼Cpetibm::timeintegration::TimeIntegrationBase | Base (abstract) class that stores information of temporal integration |
Cpetibm::timeintegration::Adams_Bashforth_2 | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Adams-Bashforth |
Cpetibm::timeintegration::Crank_Nicolson | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Crank-Nicolson |
Cpetibm::timeintegration::Euler_Explicit | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order explicit Euler |
Cpetibm::timeintegration::Euler_Implicit | An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order implicit Euler |