PetIBM 0.5.4
Toolbox and applications of the immersed-boundary method for distributed-memory architectures
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NpetibmA toolbox for building flow solvers
 NbodyA namespace for objects and functions related to immersed-boundary bodies
 CBodyPackBaseBase (abstract) class for a pack of bodies
 CSingleBodyBaseBase (abstract) class for a single body
 CSingleBodyPointsAn implementation of body::SingleBodyBase that uses point data as input
 NboundaryA collection of all boundary-related objects and functions
 CBoundaryBaseBase (abstract) class for the whole boundary
 CBoundarySimpleAn implementation of petibm::boundary::BoundaryBase
 CSingleBoundaryBaseBase (abstract) class for ghost points & BC on a single boundary
 CSingleBoundaryConvectiveAn implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for convective BC
 CSingleBoundaryDirichletAn implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Dirichlet BC
 CSingleBoundaryNeumannAn implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for Neumann BC
 CSingleBoundaryPeriodicAn implementation of SingleBoundaryBase for periodic BC
 NlinsolverCollection of linear solvers from different libraries
 CLinSolverAmgXIterative solver using wrapper of AmgX
 CLinSolverBaseThe abstract (base) class for different iterative solvers
 CLinSolverKSPIterative solver using PETSc KSP
 NmeshCollection of classes and utilities regarding mesh
 CCartesianMeshClass of composite staggered Cartesian mesh
 CMeshBaseBase (abstract) class of mesh
 NmiscA namespace holding miscellaneous functions
 CBiLinInterpClass to perform a bilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain
 CLinInterpBaseAbstract Base Class of a linear interpolation object
 CLoopBoundA helper struct to make looping function easier
 CProbeBaseAbstract Base Class of a probe
 CProbePointProbe class to monitor the solution at a single point
 CProbeVolumeProbe class to monitor a volume region of the domain
 CTriLinInterpClass to perform a trilinear interpolation at a point in a 3D domain
 NsolutionCollection of classes and functions regarding solution holders
 CSolutionBaseBase (abstract) class for different solution holders
 CSolutionSimpleClass to hold the velocity vector field and pressure scalar field
 CAdams_Bashforth_2An implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Adams-Bashforth
 CCrank_NicolsonAn implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 2nd order Crank-Nicolson
 CEuler_ExplicitAn implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order explicit Euler
 CEuler_ImplicitAn implementation of TimeIntegrationBase for 1st order implicit Euler
 CTimeIntegrationBaseBase (abstract) class that stores information of temporal integration
 NtypeFrequently used types, structures, and enums
 CGhostPointInfoA data structure for a single ghost point
 CRowModifierA struct holding information about which row in a matrix should be modified based on BCs
 CDecoupledIBPMSolverImmersed-boundary method proposed by Li et. al. (2016)
 CIBPMSolverImmersed-boundary method proposed by Taira and Colonius (2007)
 CNavierStokesSolverSolve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with a projection method (Perot 1993)
 CRigidKinematicsSolverHelper class to solve cases with moving rigid bodies using the decoupled IBPM